Provided by Specialty Group


Non-appearance insurance will indemnify an insured for their revenue or expenses should an event be cancelled, abandoned, interrupted, postponed or relocated due to the death, accident, illness or travel delay of an individual, or group of individuals, key to the event’s success.


At Tokio Marine HCC, we understand the risk inherent in scheduling appearances during events. Our non-appearance insurance offers protection against loss of revenue or irrecoverable costs following the unforeseen non-appearance of a person that is crucial to the success of your event.

Target insureds

  • Event Organizers
  • Promoters
  • Venues
  • Concerts or Festivals
  • Theatrical Productions
  • Yacht Charters or Extravagant Personal Events

Summary of coverage

Non-appearance insurance will indemnify an insured for their revenue or expenses should an event be cancelled, abandoned, interrupted, postponed or relocated due to the death, accident, illness or travel delay of an individual, or group of individuals, key to the event’s success. Available for artists, musicians, event organizers, promoters, sponsors or anyone with a financial interest in the successful running of the event.

Your team

Head Office

37 Radio Circle Drive
Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Mike Thompson
Michael Thompson

USA - Senior Vice President - Contingency Underwriting

why choose tmhcc

Why choose Tokio Marine HCC?

Tokio Marine HCC is a leading specialty insurance group with offices in the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Europe, transacting business in approximately 180 countries and underwriting more than 100 classes of specialty insurance.

More about us Financial strength

Not all products, coverages, or features may be available in all states. Restrictions, exclusions, limitations, and conditions apply and you should see your agent for more information. Certain products and services are provided through non-admitted insurance carriers and are not subject to certain State Guaranty Funds.