Many times high net-worth individuals do not have an adequate amount of disability insurance to protect their individual earnings. Typical individual and group disability policies are not enough to compensate for the substantial incomes of these athletes, executives and entertainers. Our prestige disability insurance products for highly compensated individuals help provide the excess protection that is missing from the traditional disability market.
Provides coverage for under-insured, highly-compensated individuals who are concerned about their financial viability in the event of disability or death.
Should you lose a board member to disability or death, we will support you in finding a replacement.
Protects a business should the owner of the business suffer permanent and total disability.
Cover for lost salaries, revenue and other irrecoverable expenses in the event of the death, injury and illness of key personnel.
Protecting the economic investment of a key person or persons in the event of death by any cause.
An add-on policy to Permanent Total Disability providing immediate compensation for serious injuries that may not be permanently disabling but still impact a...
An accident and sickness policy purchased by a third party to insure against the loss of a key employee.
In many cases, high-earning individuals do not have enough disability insurance to protect their incomes. This coverage protects the earning capacity of high...
Provides highly compensated individuals with the excess protection missing from traditional disability coverage.
Not all products, coverages, or features may be available in all states. Restrictions, exclusions, limitations, and conditions apply and you should see your agent for more information. Certain products and services are provided through non-admitted insurance carriers and are not subject to certain State Guaranty Funds.