Friday 24 May 2024 - Company news

BIBA 2024

Every year, the middle of May holds a special place in the insurance calendar as the annual British Insurance Brokers’ Association (or BIBA) Conference kicks off. This year marked our 16th year of attendance and it did not disappoint.

From its humble beginnings in 1978, the BIBA Conference has evolved into the largest insurance event in the UK. With over 9,000 attendees, 220 exhibitors and 50 speakers, every year the conference reunites insurance professionals under one roof for two days of networking, learning, catching up with old friends and making new ones. It is a must-attend event for the insurance industry, whether you are a regional broker or an international carrier. 



Tokio Marine HCC International (TMHCCI) was again proud to be among those attending. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2024, marking half a century of proudly supporting brokers and championing their interests. Our Professional Risks, Delegated Property, Financial Lines and Trade Credit teams made the journey to Manchester Central to get involved. 

This year is also our UK-based Professional Risk team’s 20th anniversary, and our global Financial Lines 25th anniversary. To celebrate, we hosted a pre-BIBA event to recognise the team’s achievements over the decades. It was a wonderful evening and set the tone for the Conference. 

In true BIBA style, teams arrived at Manchester Central early on Wednesday morning to make the most of the various talks and discussions taking place, greet new faces and catch up with familiar ones. After a busy day of learning and networking, the evening welcomed a more informal setting to socialise and unwind from a long day. The Thursday morning, we jumped into another day of knowledge and network building. 


Amongst our attendees, industry veteran Stuart Heath, Head of Delegated Property at TMHCCI, made a return to the conference. He leads a team with a combined offering of over 125 years of knowledge in the industry, dedicated to providing an extensive range of residential and commercial insurance solutions for clients. 

Across the two days, our stand was bustling, and, true to tradition, we handed out snake plants, an evergreen symbol of our lasting commitment to delivering the best for the broking community. 

You can learn more about our 50th Anniversary celebrations and the journey we have had over the past five decades here.


BIBA 2024 Highlights