Wednesday 10 February 2021 - Thought Leadership

2020's Top 10 Cyber Incidents

2020 has been an unprecedented year, and as such has given rise to a number of serious cyber incidents of all types; indiscriminate of geography and industry sector.

Based on our internal estimation, Isaac Guasch, our in-house Cyber Security Specialist, has compiled a list of the worst and most impacting cyber incidents from 2020 in terms of financial impact and reputational damage. They outline just how active cyber criminals are, how devastating attacks can be and how important it is to know how to manage and prepare for this increasingly prolific risk and its various disguises.

Cyber Top 10 2020

As a special “Bonus Track” there is also a listing of top actors and activity provided using our Cyber Threat Intelligence tools, showing the types of existing cyber-criminal groups that are currently active and their motivations. Being aware of activity, groups, motivations and incidents not only highlights the need for prioritising Cyber Security as an essential part of any company’s risk management strategy, but also helps outline considerations for resilience testing and a well-planned defence.

Contact details

Isaac Guasch
Isaac Guasch

Cyber Security Leader

Contact details

Maximilian Löw

Senior Underwriter - Cyber