Monday 05 February 2024 - Thought Leadership

Top 10 Cyber Incidents 2023

2023 will be remembered for the continued increase of ransomware attacks, in severity and number. Unfortunately, nation state attacks have also continued in 2023 due to Russia’s persistent invasion of Ukraine and the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups in Gaza.

In this report, Isaac Guasch and Marc Pujol, our in-house cyber security specialists, have compiled a list of the worst and most significant cyber incidents from 2023 in terms of financial impact and reputational damage.


Hacker card screen Cover

In addition to nation state and ransomware attacks, Tokio Marine HCC International Cyber team's fourth annual Top 10 Cyber Incidents report also highlights high-impact data breaches and focuses on the evolution of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) and it's impact on cyber security.

Contact details

Isaac Guasch
Isaac Guasch

Cyber Security Leader

Contact details

Xavier Marguinaud
Xavier Marguinaud

Head of Cyber