Thursday 16 April 2020 - Thought Leadership

Podcast: Risks for Social Media Influencers

By Ros Breese

Do social media influencers understand their insurable risks?

With social media channels such as Instagram and YouTube providing a platform for thousands of users, individuals are able to build up large follower-bases of people interested in their profile niches, and more and more brands are turning to ‘influencers’ to promote their products. 

These influencers earn considerable trust as relatable and credible sources through their accounts and, as a result, can contribute to sales of products and services to their followers. But how aware are they of the risks they are exposing themselves to? And do they know that some of these are in fact insurable should problems arise?

We put this question to a panel of industry experts to get the views of a specialist lawyer, broker, and underwriter, in our new podcast*.

Listen below to our roundtable on the topic with Ros Breese - our Media, Film & TV Underwriting Manager Professional Risks, Tracey McCreath - Head of Media at La Playa, and Tahir Basheer - Partner at Sheridans, facilitated by our roundtable host Ant Gould. 

Media Mic

If you have clients who sign influencers as part of their marketing strategy, have you spoken to them about the risks covered here? From IP to reputational risk and invasion of privacy, we are available to answer any questions you may have on how TMHCC insures social media influencers and the risk management solutions we can offer to protect your clients. 

Click here to email Ros with your social media influencer insurable risk questions.

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*Podcast recorded 12th March 2020.

Contact details

Ros Breese
Ros Breese

Media, Film & TV Underwriting Director
Professional Risks - London
Professional Risks - Manchester
Professional Risks - Bristol
Professional Risks - Birmingham
Professional Risks - Bridgend